Why your Information Governance Strategy matters

It is estimated that 92% of the world’s data was created in the past 2 years.

Without the ability to sort through that data in a streamlined manner it can quickly turn from a benefit to a burden.

So how can we effectively manage all that data?

Let’s start with two words:

Again for those in the back:


So what *is* #InformationGovernance?

@Gartner_inc defines information governance as the specification of decision rights and accountability frameworks to ensure appropriate information:







If that sounds complex or complicated…well….

It can be…

As much as we all want to be natural data wizards, this isn’t possible.

We can't all be data wizard banner - a wizard with binary on his hat with a no entry sign across his face

Without proper tools and planning all of this data leaves people frustrated and operationally impaired.

97% of employees think that data improves their job performance.


74% of employees believe their employers would value them more if their data literacy improved.

On a scale of 1-9 with 9 being most confident, and 1 being least.

How confident do you feel about your or your Organization’s #InformationGovernance Strategy?

1] 1-3 (not too confident) 😰
2] 4-6 (we’re doing okay) 😐
3] 7-9 (we’re awesome)😎

4] Wait…what? 🤔🤔🤔


If you didn’t feel confident you’re not alone.

Poor data literacy is the 2nd highest barrier to delivering change in a business. Even top-level executives face #InformationGovernance challenges in Fortune 500 and 100 companies.

Less than 2% of the Fortune 500 are "Highly Digital"
Only 13% of F100 companies have highly digital boards of directors
20% of CIOS in regulated industries are predicted to lose their jobs through failures in IG

What would you do first to achieve better #InformationGovernance within your Organisation?

  • Google it
  • Compare strategies and tools
  • Try to find an expert
  • Seriously what?

#InformationGovernance is the security, control, and optimisation of information. A well-defined #InformationGovernance program improves data quality and supports strategic decision making and LINQ can help  you with that.

Step 1

is to document what data you have and how it is used. Consider the 5 W’s of information…

Where is it? What is it? When was it created? Who uses it? Why do we have it?

This new knowledge teaches you about your information; the system it is held in (is it encrypted?), the type of information (Personally Identifiable Information?), who the information creators, users and custodians are, how current the information is and how long does it take for it to be available to the business, which processes it enables or outcomes it supports.

Once you are managing information in this way you can start to measure it.

Step 2

…is to identify the impact of your information on your business outcomes. Model how information impacts your ability to create the assets you rely on to deliver business value. This is your “Information Supply Chain” – the flow of information through the organisation as it is touched by people and systems

So what is the impact of doing things differently? You need to compare where you are against where you want to get to!

Step 3

…is to compare the impact of change – experiment – simulate – until you have the knowledge needed and the risk of change is understood and managed. Perhaps you’ve been bitten before – you didn’t have everything you needed when you made your decision and it was an unfavourable outcome?

Model the future to understand the impact of change…experiment with new solutions for the challenges you face…look into the future and de-risk the decision before you flick the lever to spend money and mobilise your resources.

What good is data without insights?

What if you could model your Organisation’s digital twin and compare sale flows, paper trails, and acquisition strategies all in one safe sandbox without real world consequences?

Our Compare Insight Beta provides users with the insights to take their organizations or clients  to new levels of #InformationGovernance.

Based on a current and future state model, LINQ automatically shows you what has changed and provides you with the figures in terms of cost and time – so you can immediately assess the impact of your proposed change.

Screenshot from the LINQ Compare Insight

Compare gives you the power to turn:

Data Anarchy into #InformationGovernance

Ideas into products

Losses into profits

Technology into solutions

Models into reality

Information into revenue

Our current clients are badass! They are fundamentally changing the way their organisations think about their information. By identifying the value of information, they are managing it as an asset and are using it to generate new opportunities for their business.

I THINK LIKE LINQ - 4 LINQ squares in each of the colours

They all share some common characteristics – bravery, curiosity, imagination, frustration – and have chosen to think differently in order to move forward – they “Think Like LINQ”.

You can read about them here:

Meet Bill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1FWMDqEuwk Be like Bill!

How do you get started? Easy – you click the button below and get yourself a trial account! Compare is there, ready for you to take advantage of – and we’ve included some examples to help you get started. You can learn more about that here:

Create your trial account to gain instant access to beta features!