Tanya Boelema
Manager, Architecture, Change and Knowledge
Tertiary Education Commission

How LINQ is used in other areas of the public sector


Hospitals are using LINQ to help plan their transformation projects. One such hospital is mapping the patient journey from end-to-end, to ensure the service to the patient is as efficient as possible. Visualisation and communication of that journey in LINQ allows wastage to be identified and mitigated. Other outcomes include seeing the opportunity for better information sharing between health providers where a patient journey involves more than one healthcare provider.

IT projects in the health arena are complex. They involve many disparate systems typically connected through manual processes involving paper. Understanding the cost of this information flow in support of health outcomes is an important step to digitization.

LINQ is enabling the understanding of information needs required to make better decisions and communicate the potential for integration and simplification.


Using LINQ, a New Zealand Government education sector has been able to collaborate to understand their information needs in order to provide the best possible service to their customers. Understanding who provides and who requires what information, how that information is shared today, how that process could be streamlined and what new services could be offered is driving efficiency and effectiveness across the sector.

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University of Otago

See how with LINQ, the University of Otago has reallocated 10,000 hours of time from the procurement process each year, to tasks that deliver additional value

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Tertiary Education Commission

Find out how the Tertiary Education Commission used LINQ to visualise and understand the opportunity to simplify the processes for student enrolment in tertiary education

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NZ Defence Force

Discover how New Zealand Defence Force recovered 3,500 hours in the Civilian Recruitment process enabling the team to manage increasing numbers and ensure the best talent is found

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Benefits of Using LINQ in the Public Sector


Eliminating operational waste

The ability to finally see your current state allows you to eliminate waste. By condensing processes and steps, you’ll save time and money, and enhance your customer service offering.

Lowering business costs

When cost and value are connected, your areas of spend will be justified as logical investments. Engaging with LINQ highlights opportunities for automation and simplification.

Improved prioritisation

Recognise the order in which to approach businesses challenges, and ensure each process serves your overall business objectives.

Aligning people with outcomes

Build your own culture of collaboration. Share your clear, evidence-based objectives across the business so everyone is on the same page and speaking a common language.

Valuing information

LINQ acts as a preventative tool by clearly mapping your information. Investment risk is removed, as your decision-making is based on robust facts. Oversights can be avoided, and outcomes predicted accurately.

Asset Ownership

LINQ gives you assurance that your intellectual property will be retained after staff move on. It also records changes to processes – so you can look back and monitor your ongoing improvements.

Interested in LINQ?
Start a conversation with our team today.