For those of you who have been on the LINQ journey for a number of years, you will be pleased to hear, that a new chapter is about to begin! Your patience, innovation, belief and resilience will be rewarded with the forthcoming new release! Yes – it’s true, LINQ v2 will be released into the wild in July…

On Star Wars day 2023 (May the 4th be with you) Antony Williams, LINQs Lead Developer, Product Owner and CTO, started the re-build of the current platform. Here we are, a little over 12-months later, and the new vision for LINQ, which realises many of the things we have wanted to deliver for a long, long time, is being deployed into our new Azure production environment.
This is only the beginning! Now the hard yards begin; to catch up with all of the other work that a new platform creates such as training material, intro videos, user guides, FAQs, support content, case studies, etc.
We will ‘soft-launch’ version 2, giving us some time to catch-up on those other things, whilst we help experienced users quickly get to grips with the new capabilities, enabling us to generate content to support new users.
In the coming weeks we will be re-instating ‘What’s New is LINQ’ which has been our release notes from day 1. It serves as a reminder of where we have come from as well as introducing our new capabilities as we release them. The Forthcoming Features section of release notes will soon be populated with the highlights of what’s new and will drop into release notes when we launch. From there we will create a series of content you can refer to so you can understand the new capabilties we are launching.

At that point, the ‘What’s New’ blog will be our reference for forthcoming capabilities so you can get advance notice of the things we are working on. Alongside these announcements we will favour video over written documentation. Our videos will tend towards single take, informative, low production content – short, sharp and to the point, so you can get into the use case from your perspective as quickly as possible.
We are committed to providing as much support material as is required, but also to finding new ways to enable in-platform guides and training to reduce the learning curve.

It is an exciting time for LINQ. We remain committed to revolutionising the way that organisations plan and realise the benefits of digital transformation and continuous improvement by creating the certainty of decision making that business leaders require.
Please stay in touch as we re-commence our development pipeline. We want your feedback – good, bad, ugly, un-censored, so that we can always be better.
And so we look forward to seeing you on our website, consuming our content and requesting access to Version 2 of LINQ. May the fun times commence and the journey be exciting and full of insight!
LINQ: Decisions at Speed | Decisions with Certainty