Information Governance Strategies for All!
Discover the knowledge you need to build an effective IG Strategy
If you don’t know what you have, you will never be able to get the maximum value from it. This is true of any asset, and especially so for information in your business.
Lead your business with an effective Information Governance Strategy, using LINQ to document your assets and how they add value to your business

Understand What Information You Have
LINQ will help you visualise where your information comes from and what outcomes it enables.
For the first time, you will see the connection between your operational, dark, public, commercial, social media and your web data.
Identify How Value is Created
Through the identification of Business Value, LINQ will show you where your most valuable source information comes from. You will then see which people, systems and processes enable value.
This is where Information Governance lives; you can now create your strategy based on your business need.

Standardise Your Communication
All Information Governance domains require an effective and standardised language. LINQ helps show the value and context of your information asset contributing to all areas; centralised management, Master Data Management, information security, data accessibility and data quality.
LINQs information catalogue becomes your core repository for meeting your governance aims.