How do you make decisions about Business Transformation?

Any change or business transformation is based on a cascade of decisions from the most strategic level all the way down to the ultra-tactical “what am I working on today”.   When there’s a decision disconnect between strategic vision and tactical activity, it’s little wonder change falters.

The more strategic the change aspiration, the more the disconnect matters.  Business transformation and the cultural change that enables it is the most strategic change of all. The decision support processes tend to be profoundly disconnected.  That’s particularly the case with digitisation where strategic business ideas are often disconnected from the operational areas where ‘digital’ is implemented.

LINQ and Decision Support

LINQ provides a decision support framework to support your business transformation. It enables a cascade of evidence-based decision cycles that connect your strategic intent to operational implementation to tactical use.  A decision cycle bases actions on observing a situation,  orienting / understanding how to react, making an informed decision and then Acting… and repeating.   The decision cycle in digitisation initiatives is often flawed:

Flawed Decision Cycle
Flawed Decision Cycle

LINQ enables a greatly improved decision cycle for your organisation:

LINQ improving the Decision Cycle
LINQ improving the Decision Cycle

The LINQ decision support framework doesn’t just repeat the decision cycle at one level in an organisation.  It ensures that decisions interlock as they cascade down through the organisation.  This ensures that strategic directions don’t get misinterpreted as they pass through layers of leadership:


The LINQ decision support framework retains a holistic view of People, Systems, Actions and Information. This ensures that decision makers at every level in your organisation share a common perspective of how best to improve.  By recognising that cultural change isn’t the result of a single big decision, rather an interlocking series of decision cycles, LINQ introduces a new framework to support cultural change.

Information Flow Modelling and Business Transformation

You might ask how on earth ‘Information Flow Modelling’ has anything to do with decision support or change.  I draw the analogy to the revolution in manufacturing that the Toyota Production System created in the 1980s.  Manufacturing had become woefully inefficient despite all the human factors, materiel, systems and operations research improvements.  A key reason was that decisions were being made in each specialist area without a holistic business context.  Value Stream Mapping was the contextual framework that the Toyota Production System was based on.  Not only did it provide a contextual framework, that framework was understandable and therefore transparent from the CEO all the way down to the production line worker.  The result:  Innovation Everywhere.  The effect:  Manufacturing Transformation.

Toyota Production System and Manufacturing Transformation
Toyota Production System and Manufacturing Transformation

Information Flow Modelling does the same for your Business Transformation. Decisions throughout the organisation are made smarter using Information Flow Modelling to provide a contextual framework that connects the specialist views of People, Systems, Processes and Information.  With LINQ, you use holistic, accessible and objective facts to support smart decisions that encourage incremental change.  The result:  Innovation Everywhere.  The effect:  Business Transformation.

LINQ and Business Transformation
LINQ and Business Transformation

Do you want to transform your organisation but struggle with ‘how?’, why not get in touch?  We’d love to show you how LINQ can add value to your organisation.  Meanwhile, there’s loads more to explore at