
Author: Neil Calvert

Founder & CEO

Editing many action nodes at once

When you have many Action nodes selected, you can now make changes to either duration or frequency and have this change applied to all selected nodes. This means that you can quickly move from modelling the cost of a single transaction to all transactions in a year in just a few clicks; select all of […]

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Balanced Scorecard Dashboard upgrade

We’ve improved the way sorting works in the Balanced Scorecard. Now it makes sense! You can also expand and collapse all with the click of a button. Access to your insights is easier and understanding how to communicate what you’ve found is becoming clearer. Watch this space for more improvements…coming soon…

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Learning content for new users

If you’re a new user to LINQ, when you log in for the first time, you will have access to our new learning content; a series of 8 videos which will take you through the process of capturing and gaining insight from you Information Supply Chains. You can also access those videos from this link. […]

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Editing inside a LINQset

You can now create new content directly inside a Value LINQset. You can paste copied nodes and make connections right where they are supposed to be, rather than working outside the LINQset and then connecting it up. It’s a small change, but a huge productivity gain!

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What do you do when you realise that the data you rely on is not your own?

So you’re in your business, applying your efficient process which delivers results for your organisation. You create targeted marketing material based on the data you have available to you and this brings people through the door to buy your product. Life is good. Then one day, the marketing still goes out, but the result isn’t […]

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